Cardillo, Prado Rossi & Alves imposes its style of action, presenting efficient solutions that safely meet the needs of clients and add value to their businesses.
- Responsibility of the State;
- Legal Questions regarding Licenses;
- Security Mandates against acts of the Public Administration;
- Direct and Indirect Expropriations;
- Related Procedures.
Faced with all the complexity of Brazilian tax law, which is often arbitrary and inattentive to legal and constitutional rules, our objective is to know the business and the reality of the client in order to act proactively, anticipate risks and develop personalized solutions that allow the optimization of results and reduction of tax impacts involved in each operation. We have worked on behalf of clients from a wide range of sectors, such as metallurgy, energy, telecommunications, information technology, real estate, insurance and the health sector, beverages, toys, cellulose, electronics, retail, railways, ports, automotive, transport, oil and gas, import and export. The qualification and experience of the team has been recognized in the most varied operations, including guidance, legal opinions and legal reports, consultancy for tax transactions, tax and social security due diligence involving mergers and acquisitions and corporate reorganization, financial market operations, tax and estate planning , tax reviews and diagnosis of tax procedures and the tax burden, management of tax liabilities, recovery of credits, performance in all instances of municipal, state and federal administrative litigation and the State and Federal Judiciary Branch, with delivery of memorials and oral support in Administrative and Judicial Courts, including the Superior Courts in Brasilia.
Acting and monitoring legal conflicts in the civil area, promoting and safeguarding rights in all instances.
Elaboration, revision and analysis of commercial contracts; analysis, drafting memorandums and legal opinions and general consulting on matters involving credit titles, bankruptcy legislation and typical commercial contract legislation.
- Analysis of documents and contracts; elaboration of legal opinions;
- Legal advice and consultancy in real estate business;
- Enterprises;
- Representation in lawsuits involving real estate issues;
- Review of purchase and sale contracts, leasing and assignment of rights.
The office has an outstanding performance in the field of international trade and customs law. Our team is highly specialized in providing consultancy services to clients in the most varied subjects of international trade and operations of issues concerning import and export, among which, application of customs legislation, tax classification, changes in rates, impacts of taxation and tax benefits on matters concerning import and export, differentiated treatment provided for in international agreements (Mercosur, among others), customs regimes, customs valuation, representation in administrative and judicial proceedings involving disputes before Brazilian authorities.
- Advice and consultancy in the civil area within the scope of business and economic interests, as well as in family law, with an emphasis on succession planning;
- Elaboration of legal opinions;
- Risk prevention and assessment in potential civil litigation.
Our expertise related to Social Security issues, its taxes and social contributions, and in-depth knowledge of the rules applicable within the scope of pension law, is a differential that qualifies us for providing high-quality services to help obtain benefits, defend rights and in fulfilling the ancillary obligations set forth in the legislation. We provide assistance in all administrative and judicial spheres, as well as representation of clients in administrative and judicial proceedings, including the management of tax liabilities, debt installments and defenses in tax foreclosures filed by the National Treasury and Caixa Econômica Federal, consultancy for tax review and recovery of unduly paid taxes and social contributions.
It is in this context that Cardillo, Prado Rossi & Alves imposes its style of action, presenting efficient solutions that safely meet the needs of clients and add value to their businesses..
Consult our professionals

Roberto Mortari Cardillo
Enos da Silva Alves
Rodrigo Ribeiro de Araújo
Pompeu do Prado Rossi
Giovanna Morgado Slaviero
William de Almeida Silva
Maria de Lourdes de Almeida Prado Costa
Assistente Administrativa
Felipe Pereira Soares da Silva
Bruna Camilo dos Santos